
A Few Things a Cardiologist Had to Say About Iodine You Need to be Aware of…

By Dr. Richard Wolf
A cardiologist, Dr. W. Davis, author of Wheat Belly said recently, “Allow me to go off topic for a post. While this has nothing to do with wheat and its destructive effects on human health, the issue of thyroid dysfunction and failed weight loss come up often enough that I thought it would be helpful to cover this important topic.”

Q. What if your diet is perfect–no wheat, no junk carbohydrates like that from corn or sugars, you are physically active–yet you fail to lose weight? Or you hit a plateau after an initial loss?” Then he asks the million dollar question and answers that in just three simple words:

First Think Iodine.

There are currently 59 known diseases that relate to iodine deficiency, including breast cancer.

If you have an iodine deficiency, and a lot of people do, even if they think they’re healthy, you experience lower thyroid hormone production, since T3 and T4 thyroid hormones require iodine (the “3” and “4” refer to the number of iodine atoms per thyroid hormone molecule).This may lead to lower energy (since the thyroid controls metabolic rate), cold hands and feet (since the thyroid is thermoregulatory, i.e., temperature regulating), and failed weight loss. So iodine deficiency is one of the items on the list of issues to consider if you eliminate wheat with its appetite-stimulating opiate, gliadin, and high-glycemic carbohydrate, amylopectin A, and limit other carbohydrates, yet still fail to lose weight. 

A perfect diet will not fully overcome the metabolism-limiting effects of an underactive thyroid.

Given sufficient time, an enlarged thyroid gland, or goiter, develops, signaling longstanding iodine deficiency. (The treatment? Iodine, of course. NOT thyroid removal, as many endocrinologists advocate.) Your risk for heart attack, by the way, in the presence of a goiter is increased several-fold. Goiters are becoming increasingly common. 

Iodine is found in the ocean in seafood, seaweed, and other sea vegetables. Iodine also leaches into the soil but only does so coastally. It means that crops and livestock grown along the coasts have some quantity of iodine. 

The only iodine that is “bio-available” is not in pill form but only in liquid form made from sea vegetables ... 


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